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What to expect from our exhibition:
Wish to know more about tea and tea culture? We have a guided exhibition for you.

From the origins of our local Tiekuanyin tea, to the history, classification and processing of teas,
your personal guide will show you all you want to know about Taiwanese tea.
Who is the Tea Master? What kind of tea is this place famous for?

Get acquaintance to the Tea Master and Tiekuanyin tea.
Classification of Tea
How many teas are there in the world, and what is the difference among them?

​Get to know the classification of tea through their samples.
History of Tea
As one of the most popular drink in the world, when was tea first discovered? When did tea gain its popularity?

Take a look back into the history of tea.
Tea Culture & Tea Wares
Have you wonder how people drink tea centuries ago? How does drinking habit evolve during times?

A peek into tea culture through tea wares.
Processing of Tea
What does it take for freshly-picked leaves to become the tea leaves that bring us aroma and flavor?

See exclusive exhibits on tea processing.
Purple-Clay Teapots
What is purple clay? What is the feature of purple-clay teapots?

Get your hands on the magical mineral to learn more about purple-clay teapots.
Ticket & Information
❖ Admission: TWD$150 per person, private guide included
❖ For a group of 10+ people, please make reservation in advance.

❖ Time needed: About 30-40 mins
❖ Language: Mandarin, English, Taiwanese, Cantonese
❖ Exhibition hall closes at 16:30 every day
❖ Exhibition hall capacity: 15-20 adults
❖ Photography and filming are not allowed in the exhibition hall.